


Hier finden Sie ausgewählte Inhalte der internationalen Aktivitäten des Schwerpunkts Gute Gesprächsqualität. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Inhalte ausschließlich in Englischer Sprache zur Verfügung stehen. 

WHO Webinar Series - Trust and Communication

WHO Europe, the Austrian National Public Health Institute, the WHO-Collaborating Center for Health Promotion in Hospitals and Healthcare, EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare and the University of Iowa have joined forces to deliver a unique series of webinars to improve healthcare professionals‘ communication skills with the goal of enhancing people’s trust in health services.

The webinar series examines the critical role of effective communication in building trust within healthcare settings, the pivotal role of patient-centred communication and the challenges healthcare professionals face in effectively communicating with each other and patients.

This series also aims to inform future WHO guidance and recommendations on establishing national communication skills training (CST) programs in hospitals, drawing on insights and lessons from CST programs in various countries, such as Ireland, Denmark, Austria, and Australia.

Recording of the Webinar on the National Communication Skills Training Programme in Austria:


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